Tuesday, January 12, 2010

America Idol Ep. 1 Boston Auditions! WHOA!

Can you believe Season 9 just started...it feels like it was only a few months ago, when I was having Idol viewing parties at my house, getting ready to get the news that I was back on the show ...and in the TOP 36 of season 8...Watching tonight’s show is kinda weird and nostalgic all at the same time...I mean, the lines, the waiting, the nerves. What we saw tonight, I know all to well! So, enough about me and season 8 let's talk about the craziness that we just experienced!!!!
So....here are my highlights the good the bad and the absolutely crazy from the Boston auditions!!!
First of all, can we just talk about the opening "Pocket Full of Sunshine" it was crazy, scary, exciting not very sunshiney...well maybe?...moving on to the absolutely amazing side of things...Jess Wolfe's version of Ding Dong the Witch is dead was AMAZING...favorite girl of the night honestly!....that audition was original and I loved her voice. I love how the producers always put together random montages of crying people, terrible singers, and missing lyrics....the crying is so unfortunate...I mean I remember seeing poor little young girls and boys think they are the stuff, followed by a rude awakening that they can't sing worth pooo.....THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: WARNING TO ALL PARENTS...DO NOT LEAD YOUR CHILDREN TO BELIEVE THEY ARE GREAT SINGERS WHEN THEY ARE NOT...this will only lead to a false sense of talent (anime girl) thus causing you years of insecurity and heartache.
Amadeo the Italian guy needs to send me an invite to dinner because that food looked amazing!...ok on to the singing...it was ok...not the best ever, but it will be interesting to hear him try a ballad since he just pushed out so much sound! Luke Shaffer...super cute and current, Benjamin Bright ....gonna have the girls swooning!
Andrew Fenlon needs a blog all to himself because WHOA!!...the arrogance was a hilarious turn off and Kara's responses were a little personal but funny---"I am now angry with you who I don't like." But can he sing?...we couldn't tell because the size of your head clouded the sound!...lesson learned....pride comes before the fall!
Tyler's let's get it on...loved it....I hope he really pulls his look together because he could be fun for TV, and actually had a good voice! My favorite Simon quote of the evening was "absolute unequivocal no" I need to say that more often....I am learning to be more direct! So I totally agreed with Simon regarding the "kinda-country guy"...Joshua Blaylock he did sound a little on the "14 side" and needs more confidence...so let's get back to the craziness...the kid that sang "All By Myself" I don't think I need say more that was just silliness...I could not understand a word he said! I knew I recognized Justin Williams from last year, he was in Hollywood with myself and the other season 8ers he has a GREAT story and a GREAT voice...for a split second I questioned why he didn't make it thru further in season 8 and then I quickly remembered that I was watching American Idol! HA!...how could I forget! He was however, my favorite guy of the evening! and maybe even my favorite overall for Boston! The evening capped off pretty good with a nice version of "Blue Skies" by Leah, it was good, but I would have rather ended the evening with Norberto Guerrero the "Halloween Michael Jackson costume gone bad" his hair will forever remain engrained in my memory!...Thanks to everyone who followed me on Twitter, FB and www.followingfelicia.blogspot.com See ya tomorrow night!

Felicia Barton


  1. "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" was sung by Jennifer Hirsh! :) Just wanted to make sure you get the name right, she is a very talented singer!

    Great post though, thanks for sharing all your thoughts! I am a big fan of you Felicia! :)

  2. Pretty good blog, Felicia. Looking forward to reading more as the shows progress.

  3. hey the song tittle (Here Come the day) you should do a remix and ad drums/electric guitar etc. i think it will sound off the hook more alternative rock, just an opinion. it sound good in my head with all that

  4. That song can be a hit, i truly believe it

  5. Great job on the Blog. I have been a fan of yours since your initial auditions. Yes, I am probably one of the millions who feel that you were robbed from being the finals. BTW, I love your music. This is a great style for you.


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