Tuesday, January 19, 2010

American Idol Ep. 3 Chicago...could have done without.

Shoulda' skipped chicago!....as they chanted "Yes We Can" at the end of the show, all I was thinking was "No You Didn't"
as my fellow tweeting commentator @thepopmatrix so eloquently stated at the end of the evening "a couple standouts, but for the most part 2nites AI was...YAWN!!! The Windy City kinda BLEW!!! :)"
Kately Epperly started the evening with some poof in her hair (cool look) a story of a broken home (making producers very happy, but unfortunate) but a cool voice (not necessary for AI HA!) She really was pretty good though!.....The evening continued with my vote for the next Glee cast member...but wait she can't sing.....but the "musical boobs" of our dear Amy Lane were, well....Boobalicious!..ha...maybe she can take up boob boxing like Kara said?!
I think my favorite voice of the evening came from Charity Vance (cool name)....I totally agreed with Simon when he said your voice would sound great recorded!...and she is only 16...she will make a cool record one day!..mark my words people!..I will buy it!
And of course the montage of acordian lady, tight shorts boy, the bride, bloody eyes man, Carlton wannabee, and the random high pitch singer, to name a few, only really wet my appetite, since I was hoping they would top Pant on the Ground!
For the third season in a row, my former roomy!, Angela Martin made it thru to Hollywood with a killer story, that unfortunately just grows every year...the girl deserves a break, I would love to see her make it through Hollywood!
I don't know about you, but as a mom, I promise to never lie to my child if he decides to go audition for something that he is NOT good at....I mean really....I think I need to start a mom group....M.T.L.T.T.K.A B.V.T. Mom's that lie to their kids about being vocally talented! There are plenty of you A.I mommas that need to join!!!
The few "not-so-funny" moments, continued with Curly Newbern who according to Simon thinks animals may show up at his door when he sings at his house and Alannah Halbert, who could be in a duet of hight pitch singing, but that sweet girl...I mean, if you can't sing the note the judges are asking you to sing, that is a really big clue you shouldn't be singing. Brian Krause was just kinda creepy, Harold Davis, just wanted to eat steak and cry fake tears!.....FINALLY, here he comes to save the show!!! John Park, redeems my evening by actually singing and with his great look (Shania? awkward..but I love her!). I mean she really said he had a beautiful bottom end, which singers understand, but continued to talk about his nice lips and head and well...poor thing she must of been a little nervous or something. Paige Dechausse was actually pretty good, but I completely agreed with the judges when they said she seemed nervous and would do better, I hope they show her in Hollywood, because I bet she will be pretty good...I guess we will see! The night ended with the "hurry up and show a few more people that made it thru in 20 seconds!" montage of Justin Ray, Keith Semple (who I kinda liked) and Marcus Jones....ok so tomorrow better be GREAT! not to mention I'm flying to Austin and will be watching with fellow season 8 contestant KENDALL BEARD!!!! her and I became good friends last season on the show and I cannot wait to see her!!!! Till tomorrow night at 8pm eastern time, and with hopes of a more thrilling Idol Audition evening...I bid you farewell!

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