Wednesday, January 13, 2010

American Idol Ep. 2 ATLANTA AUDITIONS....good times.

ALTANTA AUDITIONS!!!...A.T.L where ya at!!! last night, Boston, wasn’t exactly the most “exciting evening of entertainment,” but tonight changed my life BAHAHAHAHA!!! seriously, the craziness continued with Diwone Robinson and his original song “Lady we’re not together anymore.” Note to all aspiring songwriters....never title a song this, if a song comes out sounding like this, then maybe singing it on national television isn’t the best idea fact for all of you gearing up to audition for season 10...just don’t do an original...not the best idea. On a side note..I miss Paula, but the drama and silly comments have continued thanks to the the little elves...and Mary J did a great job...I loved her facial expressions the crying laughter and the honesty. Keia, the former Miss America contestant that won “Miss Congealiality” in Mary J’s words has a good voice, but needs a little more control...her “runs” where full of nerves. A few other “Hollywood ticket winners” were Miriam Lemnouni who had a cool raspy sound, Noel Reese, Tisha Holland, who I personally thought was better then Keia, and Jermaine Sellers. Can we just stop for a second and talk about that rendition of “What if God was one of us”...reminded me of “Hey There Delilah” last year by Jamar Rogers and Ju’Not...different, but he has a GREAT VOICE with KILLER much control!
Ok, so we all know that these early auditions are mostly for entertainment, so let’s get back to the interesting auditions we will remember for the rest of the night, ha, but forget tomorrow....Cristina (I don’t know your last name) sang “ Love is a Battlefield”...she was the TV host and producer of an Atlanta show...hmmm...she kinda seemed like she was a TV host for a Disney or nick show...way to peppy...but loved that she said “I am going to do me, and this is me” do you girl...just unfortunately not going to work out for Idol.
Then there was the tear jerker of the evening with Vanessa Wolfe...I have no idea what she sang, but country was her thing...but beyond the sound, I loved her for her...that heart spilled out and I love when a “girl next door,” kinda girl gets a chance....wait kinda like me!...hehe anybody wanna go bridge jumping!!! Kudos to the producers for the “Cheap Dramatization” during Jason Hamilton’s audition...LOL....he is the cat with 9 lives, but didn’t get the Simon quote of the night “you sound like a Cat Barking” like poor Lathan Davenport did! Holly Harden.....lesson on things not to say when in front of 30 million can strum my guitar or tune my guitar, while wearing a guitar costume!
Favorite girl of the night (singing that is) was Mallorie Haley. She sang “A piece of my heart”...LOVE country singer of the night! And to cap off the night with a few moments to remember....sour peaches are the worst...Skii bo ski should not have made it to enjoy your free trip!....don’t go in to an audition with your BFF....(crossing fingers) hope your friendship makes it thru this!....Do Not reject the criticism of the judges it makes you look foolish, but for our sake, go right ahead, it is good entertainment!
Now in closing my 2 favorite men of the evening...Brian Walker the police officer...shocking controlled...he will make it to the top 24 or 36 or 489 whatever they decide to do...and I will never forget General Larry Platt and his song, that he should have copyrighted before singing on nat’l was obviously my son Malachi’s favorite audition of the night and the one he immediately began singing!!! Click here for proof Thanks again for following me tonight and be sure to keep in touch at and on my NEW BLOG

Felicia Barton


  1. That pants on the ground song is HOT!I like Malachi's version too!

  2. Nice blog and absolutely outstanding. You can do something much better but i still say this perfect.Keep trying for the best. Atlanta title pawn


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